Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Alex Kintner

Today at 2:00 p.m., roughly three hours after the mauled body of Chrissie Watson was found at South Beach, 10 year old Alex Kintner was killed while swimming at Village Beach in what Police Chief Martin Brody says appears to have been a shark attack.

Witnesses, including Brody, say that Kintner had been floating on a rubber raft off of the crowded beach when the attack occurred. When Amnity's beach-goers heard screaming and saw an eruption of blood in the water, all of the children rushed out of the water as their parents and fellow townspeople ran towards them to help them out.

As Alex's mother, Marion Kintner, yelled for her son with no response, pools of blood and the yellow raft he had been on floated ashore with what appeared to be a large bite out of it.

Brody stressed that Kintner was killed in what appears to be a vicious and unprovoked shark attack. Now that another Amnity citizen has been killed, Brody said, "We now believe that it may be possible that the Watson death could also maybe have possibly been linked to possible shark activities in the vicinity of Amity." Nonetheless, he has asked the press not to jump to conclusions.

A special meeting it being held tonight at 6:00 p.m. in Town Hall by Mayor Larry Vaughn, Brody, and the Amity Board of Selectmen. At the meeting they'll discuss closing the beaches on July 4, the Kintner family reward or $3,000 for the capture of Alex's perpetrators, and the offer of fisherman Quint to hunt down the shark that's thought to be behind these tragic deaths.

Since her son's disappearance, Marion Kintner has been admitted to Amity General Hospital where she is being treated for shock. Mayor Vaughn and Brody both extend condolences to the Kintner family.

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